Bank account is now available

We have been waiting a long time to get through all the admin and red tape to get the bank account opened. Finally, it is ready! That means that all you that have registered will soon get an email with information that you can now pay your registration fee.

We expect to get that info sent out over the weekend of July 12-13. So be prepared.

We will also list the details here soon. So stay tuned to match the info you get in the email with the info we have published here.

We also want to tell you that there are still places available at the gasshuku. So if you are still thinking about registering, you should hurry up and do so. Also if you have a friend who is still not registered, give them a nudge and ensure they join us. The more, the merrier!

Below you can find the payment detail for international transfers.

  • Account holder: GKI Sweden
  • IBAN: SE94 9020 0000 0906 0604 8073

If you use Swish, you can swish to 1230606202. The QR code that can be used in the Swish app is shown below.

For transfers from Swedish banks, the below is probably sufficient info.

  • Account holder: GKI Sweden
  • Bank: Länsförsäkringar bank ab
  • Clearingnummer: 9060
  • Kontonummer: 60 480 73

If you want to pay via what is called Bankgiro in Sweden the below information covers that case.

  • Bankgiro number: 589-5172
  • Recipient: GKI Sweden

If you do have any issue or need some other info, then contact us and we will assist you,