Here we list our sponsors.
- Budo &Fitness –sponsors us with t-shirt for helpers. Will be on-site and provide some stuff for sale. So if you plan to forget your gi, you can buy a new one in the dojo!
- Rikard Palmquist – sponsors us with ceramics gifts for the trainers.
He will also bring some ceramics with him for sale in the dojo. This includees nigiri game – sanchin jars as well as tea bowls etc. You can find more info about him on his Instagram. And you can see more pictures in this post.
Contact us if you also want to appear here! For now you can email us at
The GKI Summer gasshuku is organized by several Swedish karate clubs together. We list them here in alphabetical order.
- Bosando karateklubb – Rimbo
- Farsta karateklubb – Farsta, Stockholm
- Hedemora Goju Ryu-klubb – Hedemora, Dalarna
- Högdalens karateklubb – Högdalen, Stockholm
- Östberga karateklubb – Östberga, Stockholm